Great Things
A Clear Perspective
Healthy parent child relationships: a spiritually aligned perspective on conscious parenting

Healthy parent child relationships: a spiritually aligned perspective on conscious parenting

Conscious parenting is about working through your own crap so that you can interact with and guide your children in a spiritually aligned way so that you build strong and healthy parent child relationships and emotionally healthy children. This can be a massive challenge! In this podcast episode, Oron provide some powerful and compassionate guidance to help you move to a new paradigm. They discuss the most common mistakes we make in parenting. They explore the most powerful and effective ways to consciously parent children so that we create a new parenting paradigm. And they remind us how to reclaim the sense of freedom, energy and joy that young children model for us so beautifully. I'm Medha and I'm a voice channel for Oron, Abraham Hicks style (credit to Esther Hicks for her work that led me to this).


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Great Things
A Clear Perspective
A Clear Perspective is a channeled wonderland of life-changing awesomeness. Conscious people ask Oron questions about how to live an awesome powerful life, full of positive impact. For context, Oron are similar to Abraham-Hicks, but different. Their most consistent message is that life is meant to be magical and that you deserve all the good things. And if you want to make that your reality, Oron is here to help and support you in creating just that!