Love your drawings and AI titles. Zen Head Scratcher is my fav. I hope you're taking an actual vacay to a fun location. Sending prayers, manifestations, juju to your pops. I have mystery health issues too.

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Enjoy the break!!

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My fav piece of art this week is for sure the path to magic - I think we all need this on a big poster board in front of us. I love the way you are honoring YOU. I'm heading off to Europe for 3 weeks so this works out perfectly for me! (hahaha)

My favs for the titles are 4, 7 or 10.

Big hugs to you!

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I laughed out loud, (for real), on the titles generated by ChatGPT. What was funny to me in my warped sense of humor was number 4, i.e "Spiritually Confused: Sorting Through the Noise of Self-Help". Having had a few occasional episodes of delusional thinking, I have come out as a mental health advocate, as I can recognize my stinking thinking. I laughed when I thought I could use an altered version, that is, "Spiritually Confused: Sorting Through the Noise of Schizophrenia." :-) Sometimes I think I am the Great I Am. ( I AM NOT)!

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Medha Murtagh

I like Mystic Mayhem: Navigating the Chaos of the Spiritual Landscape - that sounds juicy!

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There are so many personal development things that pisses me off. The idea that we can be whatever we want to be (really?), the idea of manifestation, that we should better schedule our lives, that we need to be more confident (especially women)...

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What a fun way to tell us that you're taking a break. It sounds like you're juggling a LOT.

I took a whole year off from writing Kindness Magnet. Yup. 1 year! I had planned to explore great kindness initiatives. But what I found what, kindness most often comes in small packages that create an ever expanding ripple effect. So now I'm back, refreshed, happy, and feeling kinder.

I love your artwork. It's so light and fresh....even if it does take you 10 hours to create! (Sorry about that....your pain is our gain!)

Any consideration for doing something about the Karma Kindness? 💜

Enjoy your time away.

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I LOVE the Sisyphus poop 💩

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Medha -- I am in a break right now! Nothing changes for me as Substack is now a priority for me so I try to keep up.

Choosing a favorite drawing is very hard as they are SO CLEVER and are "worth a 1000 words" as the saying goes so your posts are longer than almost anything I read by that standard :) The juggler was awesome. We all have a different journey with how much we write, how much we polish the apple, how much/do we write in advance. After LOTS OF TRIAL AND ERROR, my kindness goal for myself is to ALWAYS have next week's post "in the can and scheduled" when the current one releases. While it may not be perfect, it is ready to go and that feels nice.

As for the spiritual, i am amidst a class/program about our place in the world and how we can effect change. I am loving it -- the most freeing part of the first 8 week session was a different way to engage with thought -- while there is more to it, embracing that random thoughts we often take to be stress are just random things because that is what your brain does. If this is not too weird of a comment I will check in again late tonight as I am amidst a day of fun.

My betting money is little or no response to this random comment :)

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Medha Murtagh

Funny thing... I’ve just organised a 3 week break too! Markets (where I sell my creations) are not profitable in cooler months, and I’ve been feeling a bit worn down by the weekly, market/sell then create all week for next market roundabout that I’ve been on for 6 months! So I decided to do some catchup too.

Here’s to us ‘getting ahead’!

As usual, loved everything about your post! 😘🙏💖

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I too have been considering just 'stacking' a few posts to give myself breathing room and a chance at other inspiration, but I've let life get in the way. I think your hiatus makes perfect sense. My favorite picture is you literally pushing shit, brava. And either Mind Warp or Mystical Mayhem are good. Just don't worry too much about the subtitle.

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I just, for the first time in my life, created a buffer. Reason being: I want to be prepared for my crowdfunding campaign as best as I can and the most important thing is my email list. I like the feeling of being on top of that, but I also find myself unscheduling and editing the same posts more often than I would like. Not really a time saver that way 😏

Good luck on your posting break! Can’t wait to hear what that was like for you.

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I truly hope you're enjoying your publishing break, Medha.

Although AI continues to freak me out since the 80s, some of those titles weren't too bad. Whichever you end up choosing, i think the more positive the title, the better it will sit with your readers. Zen Head Scratcher is a good one, cause it sits rather neutrally, as well as being humorous.

Love d each and every one of your drawings, as always!

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Cheers to crafting some amazing shiny posts! I relate to how much time and energy it takes to finish a piece. Each word and each detail in the drawings are important to your unique storytelling style, though. Thanks for quality work!

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