the drawing of your drawing with the IV in your arm was so damn good omg

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Medha thanks for your gorgeous, and oh-so-powerful piece. The part that resonated most for me was I could call a friend but then I'd need to use words and energy. This is why friends can't say "Let me know if there's anything you need" because we simply can't articulate it when we are in this situation. We need them to either step up and do whatever they see needs doing or to sit with us and be, nothing more.

Sending you love and energy over the cyberwaves as you do this hard thing💕

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Medha Murtagh

Sending you lots of love and a huge virtual hug.

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Hi Medha, How great to hear from you again and see that you found some ways to rejuvenate to a degree. This caregiving business is not easy - absolute weariness makes sense - and the emotional drain takes a toll as well.

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Hello gorgeous, so good to hear from you, I like the battery drawing. Yes I have been that tired, during chemo, so I just rode it out and went back to bed each time. No I haven't entered the realm of books about death, glad to hear it's helping you. I am doing weekly aerial yoga and my upper body strength is going through the roof. I am so proud of my self because at times its scary but I am pushing through it and hanging upside down wrapped in green silks at every opportunity. Did you find doing these drawings energising? We are sending you batteries full of love and energy.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Medha Murtagh

New here via I grid Lil workshop recommendation. Wow... so much going on with you. Love how you explained it visually! Virtual hugs from a stranger (if that’s not too weird).

Ordered this book recently and it’s really well done (by another visual thinker!). How to Say Goodbye https://a.co/d/ecnI7k2

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Sending love, Medha! I was so pleased to find this post in my inbox!

Favourite picture? 'Feeling my feelings'. I know it's a tough one, but it's so expressive - and if we can't show how we're feeling, well, what a shame that would be. Absolutely perfect. ♥️

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Medha Murtagh

Lots of love to you Medha at this hard time x I am loving your drawings and am inspired by your understanding of the block you are finding to renergising x keep looking keep searching x you are doing so well x

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Big hugs big hugs - so much to navigate....and sometimes we just need to stop. All of the things are a lot on a good day never mind with the additional crazy energetic upgrades going on right now......I'm glad you found something that felt good and helped replenish the tank. Not a death book at all but I've really loved reading Dorlores Cannon's book the three waves of volunteers and the new earth.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Medha Murtagh


I love the unexpected sources of comfort and energy. I remember as a teenager discovering the power of post-workout endorphins when helping my mom gardening after a breakup. Since then when in doubt, it’s running shoes on.

I’m in a bit of a rut right now, too. Hoping that some cleaning will help. I might try these books to keep me company!

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The year of magical thinking by Joan Didion.

Also Keaton Henson’s album ‘Monument’

I enjoyed reading. Thank you

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100% relate to “i could call friends ... but then i’d have to say words.”

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I've missed you too! I've been thinking about you a lot and realised your silence was because you've been looking after your Dad and managing all the things and all the feels. I'm off to India in two weeks for a meditation retreat with the Goddess...and then two more weeks of I haven't decided what I will do...but whatever it is, it will be exciting and thrilling and rewarding...and perfect. Sending you lots of love and perfection in both exhausted and energised states xxx

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This is wonderful. Thank you.

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