Sitemap - 2021 - Great Things

Why do some people have overnight success?

Why am I still working on the same damn thing?

Using the crap to grow

Dealing with hardship

Freeing myself: anxiety and early family conditioning

Can we ask Oron for healing?

What's the relationship between creation, control and allowing

Is desire bad?

What does a channel experience?

Transforming self limiting beliefs

Should I get the covid Vaccine? A Channeled Perspective

Oron Energy Healing on Power and Heaviness

Oron Healing on Oneness

The exploration

Why do animals and children experience pain and trauma?

Crisis of faith

How do I shine brighter?: Finding my sacred work

Can't find my life purpose: why do we forget to follow our joy

Comfort vs change

Personal responsibility, blame and shame

Past lives, forces keeping us down, and holding ourselves back

How do I make sure I make the right choice?

The mind, mental illness, pain and empowerment

Scared of failure: how you can heal your life

How do you learn to meditate and channel?

Transforming my deepest wounds

How can you overcome fear and anxiety?

Returning to wholeness

How can I be happy when there's so much suffering in the world? Boundaries, empowerment and expansion

A personal channeling - health issues, fears and quantum leaps

Accepting the unlovable bits of me: developing self love and self acceptance

How to have authentic communication

How do I find my true calling? Life, death and everything in between

How to assess success: finding my personal definition of success

Why can't I surrender? Surrender, allowing and purpose

Power, responsibility and blame

A spiritual perspective on health and vitality and complicated conversations

Children, screens and mental health

How do I handle all the bad stuff going on in the world?

Sensitivity to trauma: why do some people experience more trauma than others?

Self-worth money blocks and establishing a meditation practice

What is learning to be a voice channel like?

I don't wanna be disappointed: what to do about obstacles and blocks

How to deal with being a highly sensitive person: why sensitivity is a gift and not a curse

I just want to be everything I'm meant to be

Alignment, allowing and inspiration

My mind won't do what I want: the truth about getting your mind to cooperate